Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I have complained quite a bit lately about Ellen's unwillingness to respond to commenters on Corporette. Well, not a moment too soon:

(begins with Monday's comment)

Ellen probably doesn’t need the ego-stroking, but I have never tried to hide my affection for her.
But shout-out to everyone, really! If I didn’t feel that way, I wouldn’t be here.
Anon August 7, 2012 at 5:33 pm
Thank you, Monday! I hope this comment goes’ thruogh. My earlier comments did NOT post. If this one gets blocked two I say FOOEY on Kat!
Allen August 7, 2012 at 4:37 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
I had to post this as ALLEN instaed of ELLEN because my EARLIER COMENT is in moderation! I hope I am NOT being blocked because I think I am DRIVING TRAFFICK to this site and Kat will LOSE MONEY if she doesnt’ let me post here.
I want to give a shout-out to my FREINDS on c’rette who have told the FAKE ELLEN to stop pretending to be ME! Someone pretended to be me again today, and it is SO annoyeing, when Im so busy prepareing for the cases Jim STILL says he is going to send over, even though I told him NOT to!
Read more: http://corporette.com/2012/08/07/coffee-break-freshwater-pearl-pendant-with-diamonds/#ixzz22u3f9cHw

Substantively, I'm not getting into the FAKER stuff now or maybe ever. But I do think the proposition that Ellen is a major draw to Corporette is an interesting one. Thoughts?
Notice that Ellen ignores the fact that Monday's comment began with a bit of a jab. She's also thanking people for calling out "the FAKE ELLEN" even though very few Corporettes seem to care much, and even though there's at least a 50% chance that this Ellen is, in fact, fake. Maybe she thinks she's asserting her own reality by claiming alliances that she doesn't have.
I'm not sure why she told Jim NOT to send over more cases. 
I'll try to check back to see if the reported additional "comments," plural, ever come through.
PS--I hope Monday, if she's reading, does not object to my choice of graphic. My guess is she'd prefer that I go edgy rather than safe...

1 comment:

  1. Ellen never responds to my comments, and no one understands my pain but you, EW.
