Yay! I love these pump’s, but to pricey again! Plus, the white tip would NOT work for me b/c of the curb’s in the city I ALWAYS skuff my toe’s on! FOOEY!
Ed want’s me to introduce him to Sam b/c he is also lookeing for business in his brokerage. Why is it that EVERYONE is trying to HORN IN on this man b/c he has alot of money but I do NOT care about his money THAT much — I need a boyfreind to marry me and help me have a child so that Grandma Leyeh will pay me $50,000.
I told dad about Sam, and he say’s he wants to meet him. So far so good, but he does NOT yet know that SAM is from Great Britan. I am NOT sure where he comes from; I think most peeople come from London, but I am NOT sure. Mabye he come’s from where the Beatel’s come from. If he does, MOM will love him b/c she was a BIG Beatel’s fan back when in the 1960′s. She has alot of Beatel’s RECORDS and she likes to dance to the music. She’s got a ticket to ride, she say’s, but Dad is NOT a dancer, and he claim’s it’s b/c Mom’s tuchus alway’s knock’s him around when she moves around to much.
Grandma Leyeh called and she also wants to meet Sam. How can I have all these peeople meet Sam without scareing him off? He said he likes me JUST the way I am, but he has NOT seen me in a Batheing Suit, and he invited me to go to the Hamton’s this summer, b/c he has a house that he share’s with 2 other guy’s. I do NOT want to go out there by myself b/c I am sure he would see me in a batheing suit, and without looseing 8 pound’s, I think he will not like my tuchus up close. For now, I think Myrna will get me into shape, starteing THIS weekend. YAY!!!