Thursday, September 13, 2012


I'm sure Kat was waiting for Ellen, as virtual godmother, to bless her son. The way it is expressed here really warm's my heart too.
Ellen's vision of her future family and home life, as well as obstacles thereto, remain the same.
Meanwhile, MP always seems to be coming up with new stimuli for his bald head. Snotty handkerchief, FUNKY smelling lunch bag, and now this. 

Ellen September 13, 2012 at 11:37 am
THIS WAS MY thinkeing to!!!!! I LOVE THIS BABY!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
I want to have a baby, but I must FIRST be married. LOGISTIECEALLY, this is dificult, b/c I do NOT even have a decent boyfreind. Most guy’s do NOT want a releationship leading to MARRIAGE, but instead just want to “HANG OUT”. FOOEY!
That is NOT what I want or NEED at this point in my life. I want a guy who will be there for ME when I need him to be there, and to be a father to our children. I want to live in the subburb’s in a NICE house, and take our kid’s to school, and mabye work part time as a JUDGE or as general council to a small place that I could do that mabye 12-20 hours a week.
It does NOT seem like that is going to hapen any time soon, since I am workeing 65 hour’s a week on all of this litiegation and now the do diligeance stuff. FOOEY!
I guess I can think about it, as the manageing partner is busy stareing at me and scratcheing his bald head with his ruler! FOOEY!

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  1. 233 ACTIVE cases? Seriously? How can she expect to meet a man with that case load? Or sleep? Or you know...exist? I know she does WC (right?) but still, that seems high.

    Oh and hi Ellenwatch, I'm around....deadly but silent.

    1. DBS! Glad to hear it. ;)

      As to the caseload, my understandeing is that all the litigation for Jim & Co. is basically the same complaint from a bunch of different plaintiffs, so most of that work is blanket. The TRANSACTIONEAL work is over both her head and MP's, but since Frank effed up too that probably is now taking up more of her time.

      We don't know much about any of her other cleints.

  2. You know, the fact that Ellen replied to my post (expressing enthusiastic agreement, too!) has confirmed my deep-seated fear that I am Ellen, and Ellen is me. Off to do some soul-searching, perhaps?

    (Oh, and I figure I probably got on STFU Corporette for commenting on the baby, too, but I don't check there anymore).

    1. JSF STFU. As for being Ellen, there are worse things, right? Think how straightforward life would be, how many subtleties would be missed, how many real problems could be overlooked in favor of fake problems...

      I don't get 20% for all my clothes, don't know about you...

  3. By far, my favorite Ellenism has become "do diligeance."

    1. It's becomeing part of her groove, too. It's like a focus group; she seems to try out concepts on us and keep those that work.
