Tuesday, September 25, 2012

stack’s of document’s

Looks like Ellen has plenty of time to keep us informed, even from Nashville. Predictably, MP's idea for retaining her is not with a promotion or raise, but more money toward the clotheing subsidezy, and she can't look the gift horse in the mouth. I suppose the assessment of her value to Manageing & MANAGEING is mutually agreed upon, if not acknowledged.
Meanwhile, this is the first mention in a long time of Ellen's former prospect to go work for Jim & Co. in-house. Uncharacteristically logical, she affirms that this wouldn't have been a good step for her career, and gives a coherent reason. By the way, I don't believe Jim's employer has ever before been called a "firm." That narrows down, somewhat, the type of business this likely is.

karenpadi, forgive my delay in responding to your post. It's not something I can do on the fly, but I haven't forgotten.

Ellen :
I use very LITTLE jewlery b/c the manageing partner does NOT like me to be flashey. I am abel to access my local LAN from here, so I have all the benefit’s of home even tho I am OUT of town!
I told the manageing partner about the head hunter, and he told me NOT to consider in-house b/c of all the benefit’s I get here. He told me he discused with the other partner’s raiseing my clotheing allowance, and tho it is NOT final, it may go up to 30%. I could aford alot more clotheing with a 30% subsedizeation! Yay!
I told him that I wanted to be a judge and he agreed that the litiegation expereience is far better here then in house. Jim did agree, but thought I should get more expereience at the firm before applyeing to be a judge. Jim said he was NOT tuned into the political aspects of the judicieary in NYS, so it is good that I did not work for his firm.
I have to get back to do diliegence now. There are all these stack’s of document’s and I am suposed to go through these? This will take day’s! FOOEY! I was hopeing to get to walk around town, but it does NOT look good for that. All Jim is doing is lookeing at a few document’s and then talking to the paralegal. He will NOT be of much help to me here.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't thought through it too much. So take your time!


    I still want Ellen to come to the Bay Area so we can find matching billionaires! :-)
