Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Yesterday was mighty thin, but fear of the Sunshine Girls left me extra motivated to see if anything came up late. Ellen sympathizes with someone whose offer on a house was rejected at the last minute...after being accepted. Fooey indeed. 
Standing by to hear what issue's have been keeping Ellen (and all of her associates) away.

Ellen September 10, 2012 at 5:44 pm
I agree. A big FOOEY on them. It is ridiculus what they did to you. I am speecheless. DOUBEL FOOEY!
I will wait until tomorrow to update the hive on my issue’s which are mild compared to this. Triple FOOEY!

Read more: http://corporette.com/2012/09/10/coffee-break-foiled-metallic-skinny-belt/#ixzz26ABOtlgX


  1. Googling The Sunshine Girls comes up with a Europop band Gunter and the Sunshine Girls. I rather like the idea of Ellen listening to Europop and the backup singers being her hench women.

    The other thing that came up was the Jamacian Womens Netball Team, but they don't seem like they would hang with Ellen.

    1. Or maybe Ellen is actually Gunter?

      I conducted the same search and got the same result's. Let me know if anything convinces you, but otherwise I assume we're just waiting for illumination. From the Sunshine Girls. Yep.

      Thanks for playeing!

  2. Gunter is swedish...
