Saturday, September 15, 2012


Look's like I've been absolved by the Sunshine Girls. Last time I heard from this anonymous ELLENWatcher, I was thoroughly dressed down for getting behind on posts that showed up late. Now she's back, weighing in on the last bone we were thrown but also enthusiastically indicating that my daily performance is back up to snuff:

This is intriguing as we know now her sexual experience is limited. But as she has been sullied by Alan and is no longer virginal as a result, this can explain why she still clings to the memory of what can only be described as a drunk loser. I therefore believe her. She will not again have sex with a man without a ring. All 5 of us at S&S LOOK HERE EVERY DAY for Ellenisms, so keep up the good work! We have many bald MP types with equally disgusting habits!

Obviously I'm not going to get cocky here. I know S&S have high standards, and I am bound to disappoint again. But I appreciate the positive feedback along with the negative, and look forward to a handle from this commenter, as well as a roster for S&S. Here's my working draft:

Belinda G.
Eva Aline

And any of these loyal employees/sunshine girls could be posting as S&S Associate, since apparently that's what they all are. 

Am I all wet, Anonymous? You at least owe me that much...

1 comment:

  1. I think u missed one Wednesday nite. Eff the Sunshine girls. 5 associates from S&S? They need boyfriends not Ellen
