CAST of Characters

Recurring characters in Ellen's purported life:

MANAGEING PARTNER, her boss. His wife (provisional identification MARGIE, 10/12) and children occasionally feature as well.
ALAN (last name Sheketovits or similar), her ex-boyfriend and a "Drunk Accountant" in danger of losing his CPA.
DAD, valued adviser to Ellen.
MOM, who has lost 30 lbs. from her rear.
ALAN'S MOTHER, who seems to maintain some kind of relationship to Ellen.
ROSA, Ellen's sister. Age 25 in March 2013.
          *Rosa has been reported as a Size 2, but Ellen has at other times mentioned a sister who is larger than she. Thus it is unclear whether Ellen has a sister(s) other than Rosa.
ED, Rosa's husband, a stock broker with Merrill Lynch.
DAWN, Ellen's lovely 3-year-old niece, daughter of Rosa. (First mention May 2012)
FRED, a friend of Ed's who lives on Long Island and owns a pet supply store.
TINA LEIGH, Rosa's second daughter, born 2013.
LEYEH, Ellen's paternal grandmother, and a link to the Barshevsky Russian roots.
TRUDY, Ellen's maternal grandmother.
DIEDRE, mentioned March 2012 as a woman with whom Alan seems to have cheated on Ellen. She may never be mentioned again, but as this is a first and important identification I am listing her at least for now.
LARRY, all-purpose male name for a shifting character reported by Ellen's various personae. For Ellen herself, Larry was just a dating prospect (who appears to have struck out as of 4-2012). "Vivian," however, is married to Larry, having met him years ago while studying for the bar, and one of Ellen's other alter egos was hoping to be engaged to him by Christmas 2011.
EMMA, LINDA, essentially undifferentiated female friends.
MYRNA, Ellen's most significant female friend as of 2012. Athletic, energetic, fun-loving and flirtatious.
HAROLD, 22-year-old nephew of Manageing Partner who graduated from college in Spring 2012. As of July, Manageing Partner appears to be trying to set him up with Ellen, with Harold showing a great deal of interest. (Seeming alternate name: Frank.)
JIM, one of the clients that Ellen brought in to her firm in July 2012. Jim, reportedly, is romantically pursuing Ellen--unknown to Manageing Partner--but is also in a position to give or deny cases to the firm, leaving Ellen uncomfortable given that she does not reciprocate his interest.
FRANK, an accounteant who works at Ellen's law firm. (No relation to Harold, who was once mis-named Frank.) Frank began working more closely with Ellen when Jim's company assigned the firm transactional work; Frank is responsible for some forms to be submitted to the FTC on the client's behalf but apparently does not always complete them competently.
LYNN, a secretary at Ellen's firm and the only person there who is younger than Ellen.
DAVID, a man of indeterminate age whom Ellen has known since childhood. Now lives in Brooklyn. David was briefly considered a good dating prospect but then was ruled out for failing to check on Ellen during and after Hurricane Sandy.
ADAM, David's roommate, a musician in heavy metal.
ROBERTA, Esq., a client referred to Ellen by Jim in October 2012.
KELLY, Roberta's niece, with whom Ellen went to law school.
BRIAN, opposing counsel in matters Ellen is handling for Roberta & Co. Also known to Ellen from court appearances prior.
MADELINE, an older attorney at Manageing & MANAGEING.
GONZALO, Maiter Dee at the NYC restaurant where Manageing & MANAGEING held its 2012 holiday party.
EVAN, sour-breathed, 1/2 bald internet entreprenoor whom Ellen hopes to gain as a client without having to date him.
SUPERMARKIT GUY'S, Older brother Robert and younger brother Phil, each own a number of stores and are also potential clients as of January 2013.
HENRY, an admirer Ellen knew from high school (initially stated: college) who was a member of the Math Team and frequently teased. Pursuing Ellen with evident help from her father as of February 2013.
ROBERT, Separate from the supermarkit guy, acquaintance of Myrna's uncle who Ellen met at a Passover seder in March 2013.
SAM, a British coworker of Myrna's who wants kids in the near future, introduced to Ellen in July 2013.
WILLEM, gentleman in his forties whom Ellen met at the Manageing Partner's Labor Day party, 2013.
MICHAEL, nephew of a judge before whom Ellen argues frequently. 36 years old, owns his own business.
MASON, a junior associate who started at Ellen's firm (reporting to her) in early 2014.
EARNIE, the ex-husband of Rosa's ex-friend, with whom Ellen was set up on a date March 2014.


  1. Unless you are Ellen, I think you know more about Ellen than Ellen does.

    However, I'm amused.

    1. Not Ellen, but I take this as quite the compliment. Thanks for playing!
