I am not a licensed psychologist but I think that the things in your personal life you mentioned at the end of your post may be causing the lack of focus. Your father’s hospitalization and your uncle’s divorce from an abusive home life may be making your home life difficult.
You also don’t say anything about your own social life. It may be that you need a good man in your life and you are rebelling because there may not be one yet.
I suggest you find a good man and a healthy relationship will go a long way toward giving you the satisfaction you need to focus more at work. Good luck! We will be pulling for you!
September 22, 2011 at 10:43 am
- What does the OP finding a man have to do with anything? Is there any indication in her post that she’s single and unhappy about it? It’s clear that therapy will probably help (if there is no underlying medical issue), but at this point she’s having trouble pinpointing the root of her problems.As for discussing things with the boss, I think at this point it will be hard for him to feel inspired to assign you more work when you’re not even finishing the work you get. Hopefully if you go to therapy, this is something you can discuss and work on. I do think it’s worth discussing the weekly progress meetings as it seems like they just make you freak out more and end up even less productive than you were before the meeting. Perhaps suggest spreading them out to biweekly meetings, and if you accomplish what you have on your plate after doing that for a few months, you can go back to the old monthly meetings.
September 22, 2011 at 10:53 am
- Haha. I am perplexed by the “good man” comment, as well.
September 22, 2011 at 11:00 am
- Vivian has said ridiculous things before I think she is an Ellen (but not as fabuuuulous)
September 22, 2011 at 11:20 am
- Ugh. I forgot about ol’ Vivian. She’s sneakier than Ellen!
September 22, 2011 at 11:01 am
- I agree with MelD – the presence or lack thereof of a significant other is completely irrelevant as well as nonsensical. The OP is doing poorly at work because she’s missing a good man in her life? I think you may have the OP confused with a Kate Hudson/Katherine Heigel movie.And I will also add that one shouldn’t assume anyone else’s s’xual orientation anymore than one should assume any other characteristic. It’s as disappointing to me when someone is assumed to be heteros’xual as when assumed to be Christian, or Caucasian, or from a city, or whatever. Some people are some or all of those things, and some aren’t. Some Corporettes are interested in good women, not good men.
September 22, 2011 at 11:00 am
- Vivian – Find a man and you will be able to focus on work???!!! You can’t be serious.OP – sounds like you are in a bit of a rut. I think talking to your manager is a very good start…but on his/her end, it will be very hard to overload your plate out of fear that the stuff will not get done…so bear that in mind when you meet.
Maybe suggest reducing the one-on-one meetings at least temporarily and see if things improve.
Read more: http://corporette.com/2011/09/22/thursdays-tps-report-semi-a-line-skirt/#ixzz1s7wpKVHk
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