Saturday, June 4, 2011

We are all corpporetes!

Ellen June 4, 2011 at 9:59 pm
You will do IT! Hang in there! When I was studying for the BAR exam, I had to stay at my cousins’ house in ALBANY. I was NEVER there before but I had to take the BAR in ALBANY. Can you imagine? Anyways, I knew no one and then I did not even knoow Alan. He came later. So I had alot of time to study and I passed the first time.
You will ALSO pass if you just concintrate on what you are studying and do NOT go out at night to bars. I met some peeple there at the BARBRI class that wanted to go OUT every night and I did NOT have the time to read the book and go out. Some guy with blond hair who smelled like warm milk always sat next to me. Fooey!
So you can do it. We are all corpporetes!

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