YAY! I am VERY happy that things worked out for you!
I had a bad VALENTINE’s day, since I had NO boyfreind to send me flowers, or take me out to DINNER, so I stayed home and watched TV. FOOEY!
I watched FREINDS with benfefits, with Justin Timberlake. It is a GOOD movie and he is good, tho I do NOT care for his lookes. Myla Kunis is cute to, but she is shorter then me.
Iwould like to find a BOYFREIND for the summer.
February 15, 2012 at 2:16 pm
- Ellen, I am unspeakeably touched to hear from you. Your demonstrated reading comprehension is entirely consistent with what we’ve come to expect. I was definitely in the mood to join you last night, although I DO have a boyfreind and he DID give me ROSES so I should NOT complain.I’m glad that you, too, have adjusted your expectations. Please let us know what happens with the BALD freind of the manageing partner. He might be a better prospect than you thought.
Read more: http://corporette.com/2012/02/15/wednesdays-tps-report-mod-graphic-wrap-dress/#ixzz1rvEMOMxH
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