Saturday, December 24, 2011

get All kinds of CLE credit!!!!

Ellen says:
I have an Important Thread-Jack:
The manageing partner wants me to go with him to a legal conference in Boca Raton in February. He is SPEAKING there, so Ican get in FREE, and get All kinds of CLE credit!!!!
I REALLY also want to get away, b/c it will probabely be very COLD here in NYC by then–but I do NOT want to have to spend 3 days with HIM!
Is there a WAY to go, GET the CLE, but NOT have to put up with his stareing at me and his bad breathe for 3 days? Has any one of you done this and how do you do it without getting into TROUBLE?
I do NOT know any one down there, but just want to chill w/o having him hovering over me alot when I am down there.
  • K in NYC says:
    it sounds like you can do 1 of 3 things…
    1. Ask him casually if he thinks there will be time for you to get away or if you’ll be at the event the entire time. Mention that you have some loved ones there whom you’d love to see but you understand work comes first. That’ll get you your answer. (And “loved ones” can mean sand and sun and ocean, so it’s not dishonest)
    If he says it’s conference the entire time or makes it clear there’s no time you can get away:
    2. Go for the credit and whatnot, grin, bear it, and try to network there to find people to chat with in the hotel lobby restaurant or whatnot so it’s not just the two of you the entire trip.
    3. Tell him you appreciate the offer, would have loved to have gone, hope he considers you in the future, but you have x,y,z things to do that have to take priority.
    • Alanna of Trebond says:
      K, I love that you are giving serious answers to Ellen! :-)
    • Ellen says:
      Thank you, K–We are BOTH in New York City and probabley have alot in common as young Urban Professional lawyers! Have a WONDERFUL holiday. I think I will have to stick with #1. Thank you for your sage advise!
      • K in NYC says:
        hope you’re doing something fun today, I’m in Astoria and finding nothing open (was going to order delivery food) :)

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