Wednesday, May 2, 2012

be abel to hang with me @ lunch,

Ellen makes a point of regularly offering to appear in person, as if she existed. I'm MANAGEING my expectations, as always, but this is her most pointed yet. I suspect the crowd that would assemble for this lunch would qualify as a flash mob.

This is also the only post, to my knowledge, that has informed us about the rest of Ellen's colleagues. No peers, apparently, which makes sense.

By the way, lots of Lord & Taylor advocacy lately--?

Ellen May 2, 2012 at 4:39 pm
I agree, but at LEAST you have some other women around the office even if they are thougtless. All I have are a few older lawyers who do NOT talk to me, and the manageing partner, who is bald, and has bad breathe and is busy all day polishing his head with his dirty hankercheif and stareing at me! FOOEY!
I wish I could find a girlfreind that would be abel to hang with me @ lunch, b/c the manageing partner usuesally make’s me sit with him when he eats his tuna on a roll sandwich. I realy don’t like the smell of fish and he has extra onion’s on it from the deli. Double FOOEY!
If I had a girlfreind, I could go shopping at lunch b/c we are close to Lord and Taylor and Macys’. If there is anyone at the HIVE that want’s to meet for lunch, I am avaeilable!
cfm May 2, 2012 at 5:40 pm
A thousand times yes Ellen. I would love to go have lunch with you and shop and Lord and Taylor.
Monday May 2, 2012 at 5:44 pm
Ellen, let’s set up a weekly lunch date please.

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