Tuesday, May 15, 2012


One of my favorite elements of ELLENStyle is the cursory show of commenting on the featured item, followed by seamless segue into random information about her life. The following is exceptionally substantive, however. There's almost a plot development here. Did this show up late? Did y'all miss it? 

Our heroine is fearing for her job. Telling, however, that she considers suddenly becoming GC or a law professor, either being in New York no less, as some sort of fallback plan! Stay tuned (like I had to say that...)

2 additional comments: 1) This prospective new colleague apparently poses a threat due solely to being nerdy and male, two traits with which Ellen does not even hope to compete; 2) Recognize again that MP seems to be Ellen's only source of news about the world's happenings--from Zappos' security breach to Dewey's failure. Just as he approves and subsidizes her clotheing, so too does he arbitrate her awareness of reality.

Ellen May 15, 2012 at 9:45 am
This is VERY cute, and mabye I will look in to trying it on. The manageing partner is thinking of bringeing in a nerdy guy from the Dewey’s law firm that the manageing partner said is imxplodeing. He is also a 5th year attorney. Fooey!
I interviewed with the LaBuff firm for a summer job after my first year, but I decided NOT to go there b/c there was to much presure to work alot of hours. Now this nerdy guy might be comeing in here, and if he DOES I think may take over alot of my work.
I may have to start lookeing for that general council position IN house, b/c I do NOT want to work every weekend. Or else, I need to think about teacheing at a nearby law school b/c I do NOT want to go back to DC. FOOEY!

Read more: http://corporette.com/2012/05/15/tuesdays-tps-report-two-tone-dress/#ixzz1uzLYzNeL

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