Thursday, July 19, 2012

even the CAB’s are FILTHEY inside

Sure enough, looks like this first successful cleint lock has the P-word on Ellen's mind. By my records, this is the first time she has even mentioned the prospect of making partner at her current firm. At the same time, in-house work seems still to hold appeal.
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Ellen July 18, 2012 at 5:39 pm
This suit is VERY nice and VERY afordable, even if it is in WHITE. Nontheless, I would NOT buy it b/c I have to take the SUBWAY to work and it would get VERY dirty VERY fast in the subway. FOOEY!
If I get to become a PARTNER, then mabye I can stop takeing the SUBWAY, but even the CAB’s are FILTHEY inside. I do NOT enjoy getting a ride today in a CAB, but if I go in-house, then I can get CAR services!!! Yay!
Yesterday, I rode in the companies’ CAR service, and it was air condition and CLEAN! Of couse, I had to share with the 2 cleint’s, but we went to thier FAVORITE restarant, on the UPPER East Side. I thought it was OK, but they LOVED it, so I did NOT care! I am already busy on my first case and have 3 file’s from them. I am going to work very hard and the cleint said I get more case’s if I did a good job! The manageing partner is VERY happy that I locked the cleint, so he said he is geting me a GIFT CERTIFICATE from Lord and Taylor’s! YAY!!!!!!

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