Monday, July 23, 2012

ARM around my WASTE

Ellen is clearly conflicted about the single most frequent topic of her comments: how she should dress in context of MP's predilections. (Their March 2012 subsidy agreement on clothing expenses has complicated matters further.) 
Most of the time she articulates, as here, a wish to deflect his inappropriate attentions, but the balance of posts are about Ellen's need to satisfy MP's stareing, e.g. by not concealing her leg's with boots, or by pulling her hair back from her face (with a scrunchie)

Last call(ish) for POLL #1! Please vote! Tell all your freind's! The next one will be going up soon, along with my synthesis and report on this one's results. 

UPDATE: Ellen later denounced this post as fraudulent. Later reiterations of her complaint here and here

Ellen July 23, 2012 at 11:21 am
What a cute dress. If I were THINNER, with more of a WASTE, I would buy this dress. But it’s just as well that I don’t, because then the Manageing Partner would just want to put his ARM around my WASTE, and I don’t want to attract him anymore than I already DO with my curve’s. It’s bad enough that he is always looking at my leg’s.
anon July 23, 2012 at 2:34 pm
lol this is the first time i’ve seen ellen talk about her “waste”
Ellen July 23, 2012 at 8:30 pm
She is NOT me. FOOEY!

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1 comment:

  1. I am sure you saw that Ellen called this post out as a fraudulent post on the coffee break post. It is an interesting turn in the drama.
