Sunday, July 29, 2012

"Ellen is Cool."

This coment MADE my weekend--showing up right here on ELLENWatch, on my last post! Go see for yourself if you don't believe me!

"Ellen is Cool. She has to be very cute for MP to put up with her. And this website does a great job of keeping us current with her antics! I don't think Ellen would be so coddled (20% clothing rebate) and trips with the MP unless she was gorgeous"

Vera? Wilma? Belinda G.? Is that you?

They said this day would never come! And I know, I know, it probably didn't. It's not even worth trying to figure out whether this is Ellen since we cannot even establish how many Ellens may be walking among us. Just the same, let me count the ways that this comment honors the spirit:
  1. Random capitalization--but only on one word. She can't lay it on too thick, especially on her first appearance here.
  2. Speaking of which..."cool"? That is one adjective that even I would never associate with our dear heroine. Love is blind for this fan, apparently. 
  3. "Antics"--also a highly imprecise way to sum up what Ellen tends to relay to us. 
  4. Attribution of all professional perks in Ellen's work life to her attractiveness rather than her skills.
One miscellaneous note from me--this commenter has accepted the abbreviation "MP," which nobody else, including any incarnation of Ellen, ever has. For this reason, as well as the commenter's praise for my blog, and all the rest of the above-outlined glory, I want to say thank's! You've come to EXACKLY the right place, Anonymous. 

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