Monday, July 30, 2012

so I canbuild my port follieo

We were supposed to hear what happened today when Ellen asked MP for 10% of billing's from the new cleints. Instead, this. Do I hear another cry of fakerism? The spELLEN here is fairly outrageous in places, but it also looks like something that could have been written using my home page as a crib sheet. No mention of the raise/bonus that takes effect on Wednesday either. Ellen: if you're gonna do it, do it. Please.
Playing along, at least for now: it appears Ellen's professional aspirations have come full circle, and now affirmatively include making partner. 

Ellen July 30, 2012 at 6:25 pm
I work at a small firm AND even I think of junpeing ship from time to time. Like when I have alot of work when the MAnageing partner does NOT and he just ooogeles me all day while buffeing his BALD head. But Other times I decide to stay b/c the Manageing partner sends me to get cookies from Crumbes bakary, or give’s me a gift card from Lord and Taylor (my fave!) OR gives me a chalengeing case to try!
So you have to aske your self do I feel lucky In my job? If you always say no then it is time to start lookeing.
You might want to look inhouseOr appley for a judgship which I will do after I have kids. For now I need to be a partner and schmooze the cleint’s alot more so I canbuild my port follieo. Yay!

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  1. It has seemed recently that some of the posts like the louraine one referenceing leyeh are using your site for authenticity, either that or Ellen reads your blog, which is way more better :)

    1. I know. I'm honored, but I'm also a little bored. This is ELLENWatch, not ELLENGuide! Give me something to work with here! I'm about synthesizing content, not making it.
