1) The Hamton's place has to be MP's; recall that Ellen's own share fell through.
2) Ellen's only known niece thus far was DAWN; as of now we know of another. Unclear whether this is tyke is Dawn's sister. Also remains to be seen whether ROSA (possibly Lourine) is her/their mother or what.
3) Baldness is the single most consistent disqualifying attribute in an Ellen suitor.
4) Francie Nolan's straight-faced advice here is intriguing to me because she shows no sign, in comments on ELLENWatch, of thinking that Ellen or anything about her is real. Francie?
For the record: readers on the following thread continued with advice, recommending a full-covereage bathing suit.
UPDATES: Francie shares her strategery, in comments below, as well as a link to NYT's article on trolls. I will probably post separately about it. Thank's!
Meanwhile January posed a question that I know others share--why Ellen's nieces and their NANNY will be attending MP's party--and I posit that it's actually fairly consistent with other odd family contact that we've heard about between these colleagues. Ellen has met MP's brother and SIL, has been asked to babysit his kids during Thanksgiving festivities, and is now being set up with MP kin (for what may not be the first time).
Threadjack– Help!
The manageing partner just told me that HAROLD is comeing to the firm’s July 4 pool party at the manageing partners’ house. This is VERY strange b/c HAROLD has absoluteley nothing to do with the firm, and I do NOT know why the manageing partner had to come by to tell me especialy about HAROLD unless he is trying to make us a couple. And right after I JUST got OUT of going Harold’s gradueation party. FOOEY!
What make’s it worst is I told the manageing partner Friday that I would go out early to the HAMTON’s tomorrow to help prepare. I cannot get out of going b/c EVERYONE is alway’s expected to be there. There is alot of good food–the manageing partner’s wife always grill’s up yummy skirt steaks, chicken, shnitzell, hamberger’s and hot dogs and alot of deserts and even real S&S NY Cheezecake — absolutley the BEST!
HAROLD will be taileing me like a puppy dog, stareing and nuzzeleing me b/c we will be the ONLY young peeple at the party except mabye my 2 neice’s and the nanny. Harold is probabeley a good kid, but so goofey! Beside’s, he is to busy ooogleing to actualy listen to what I have to say, and he does NOT know alot of things I know b/c of my legal expierence. It should NOT matter, but Harold is already loosing his hair and I am SURE will be totaly BALD just like the manageing partner.
I like to swim in the manageing partners pool, but NOT now b/c Harold will be ooogleing me which I am NOT comfortible with, and I also do NOT want to hear the manageing partner chimeing in about my tuchus. After all he does NOT own me, just b/c he give’s me a paycheck. And BTW, I earn my money thank you very much and I do NOT want Harold thinkeing he has a claim on me b/c he is related to the manageing partner and is in the Hamton’s with me. FOOEY!
So, does the HIVE have any ideas to keep HAROLD from nuzzeleing and thinkeing he is my date or worse yet that we are a couple? Help!
July 2, 2012 at 2:53 pm
- Have you considered creating an imaginary boyfriend? I don’t want to be presumptuous, but something tells me you’d be really good at it.
July 2, 2012 at 8:34 pm
- Make it a very jealous boyfriend who has psychic powers.
July 2, 2012 at 3:08 pm
- Ellen I would tell Harold that his advances are not flattering and that you are in no way interested, for he is too young for you. Tell him you need a man with more depth and maturity. Tell him firmly, yet kindly that when he and the managing partner stare and ogle you, it is harassment, although you are sure they never realized that and when they do that it creeps you out And you wish that they would stop. Use a voice that is soft, but firm. Tell them in that fashion so they would not be offended or get scared by you yelling and cursing them out. Then please report back and let me know how you make out with it.
Read more: http://corporette.com/2012/07/02/splurge-mondays-tps-report-collared-knitted-dress/#ixzz1zWNRFG85
Francie Nolan is real (99% sure) -- she has posted on other, non-Ellenish things. But I think maybe she's new?
ReplyDeleteOh she's certainly real! And a great ELLENWatcher! I just meant to inquire curiously about the content of her advice here. Kind of like I did with you back on the pole dancing thread.
DeleteAh. I always confuse your use of "real" with "for realsies". As in...are you being for realsies? haha.
DeletePS: old Francie N. cred is here:
Oh, No I am for real :) I figure maybe if I gave her sincere advice she might come out to play.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, I am not new to Corporette I have been reading since the days of the Shayna scandal (I seriously think she is behind STFU Corporette, but that is another tale) unfortunately my job just keeps me too busy most of the time for commenting as often as I would like.
Recently I read a great article about trolls in researching Ellen, http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/03/magazine/03trolls-t.html?pagewanted=all . There is actual research on troll behavior, which is interesting.
Thank you so much for the link! I can't wait to read this articel.
DeleteEllen is a special kind of troll though, because she doesn't target others and she isn't really mean. She's really just extremely weird and narcissistic. And possibly a terrible speller. But, the meaning of troll as discussed in that article generally suggests a responsive phenomenon (responsive to at least other users on the site) with a malintent (which Ellen never really seems to have, at least on 'rette, can't speak for her past appearances.)
DeleteMan, can't believe I've given it even this much thought.
I am still extremely confused as to why Ellen would bring her two nieces and their nanny to the managing partner's party. I realize this is Ellen we are talking about, but surely this is not normal behavior?
ReplyDeleteJanuary? Another comment gone? Anyway to address the question of why nieces and nanny...remember all the other examples we've seen of mutual Ellen and MP family involvement. It goes both ways, and we already know that across the board, boundaries are not this team's strong suit.
ReplyDeleteIndeed. I've noticed that my comments get eaten when I post from my work computer, so perhaps that is Big Brother's way of telling me to leave Ellen alone. :)
DeleteTCFKAG - she isn't nmean spirted, but that makes it all the more interesting she goes against most research on the subject. What is her payoff and motivation?