TC conjures me by alchemy, has not been pictured as often as January so far. |
My thoughts...
- Ellen wanted to clear up any confusion about who Jim is. I had tentatively assumed he was indeed the cleint, but this settles the issue for certain. I was also under the impression from earlier references that Ellen actually was considering dating him. Is she just playing prim Corporette here? If she has alot of thinkeing to do, is it because she's trying to find a way to, say, get married and quit working forever without going through any period of discomfort with MP?
- The thinner sister appears again, but only in post 1. Recall that I think this might be the glamorous ROSA who sometimes posts as LOURINE...though that is little more than an educated hunch at this point. I still would love to know whether this is DAWN'S mother.
- Interesting that once again the in-house job and attendant car service dream shows up, as an afterthought, in Post 2 but not Post 1. It almost seems interchangeable with the story of weight comparison between sisters (and indeed both are pretty standard Ellen and thus perhaps dispensable to this announcement).
- Back to the indispensable--along with Jim being the cleint, Ellen wants to make sure we know how resentful she is of the compensation structure at Manageing and MANAGEING. I'll go ahead and take credit for being the first to raise the possibility of Ellen actually making partner. She's already seemed a little annoyed by her position on the ladder before--working around to the issue of pay gradually, as opposed to just the ooogeling--and now she's downright impatient and even reaching the point of practical strategy. What if she does indeed ask for a cut? Will MP just offer her some of his wife's old perfume?
This is FUNNY!
I have a very similer DRESS that my SISTER bought in TARGET and gave to me, and she said she paid only $37.00 INCLUDEING tax! YAY!!!!!
The onley reason that she gave me the dress is b/c she is too thin and the dress HANG’s on her. She told me that I have a few extra POUNDS so the dress fitted. She was right.
Anyway, I have been WAY to busy workeing all of the new cases that Jim gave me. But I am NOT makeing any extra, just the manageing partner who is in CHARGE of the billeing for the client. FOOEY! I think I should make a cut for all the extra work I am doeing on these cases.
I also have to figure out how to keep Jim at ARM’S length, because he is the CLEINT!
I have alot of thinkeing to do.
July 26, 2012 at 4:01 pm
- Is this Ellen? Did she forget her name?
What hapened to my coment?
I have alot of thing’s on my MIND. The cleint, Jim, wants me to do MORE WORK, but I am NOT getting any extra pay.\
The manageing partner is makeing a fortune on me and I wonder why I cannot ask for a cut. I am workeing now every nite until after 8 (FOOEY) and then have to take the subway home.
If I was In-HOUSE, I could take a car SERVICE. YAY!
But I can NOT, and the manageing partner is not workeing any harder, just me. FOOEY!
I also have to keep Jim at arm’s length. My mom says NEVER mix work with personal thing’s and Jim want’s to get romantic. I do NOT want to loose the cleint, but also do NOT want to do anything fooleish! Help!
July 26, 2012 at 2:29 pm
- Ellenwatch…what’s happening. Ellen is going rogue on US!!!!
July 26, 2012 at 4:38 pm
- I am awaiting a post about Ellen’s creative process now. This is fascinating.
Read more:
ALERT ALERT, Battle of the fake ELlens on the seconde page of comments on the morning thread!!!