More importantly, we're seeing even further mixed signals regarding Ellen's professional promise. This isn't the first time she's reported that MP want's her to recruit new cleints, but now the parameters are becoming more concrete: she does the pitch lunch all on her own. It seems like quite a bit of trust there, in addition to the raise(s) coming. These developments may be entirely normal for a 5th-year associate at a small firm, but are somewhat surprising when we consider MP's usual demeanor toward Ellen and her very recent fears of losing her job or at least her office and top responsibilities.
Ellen has never mentioned expecting to make partner at her current firm, but increasingly I'm wondering if MP has different ideas.
At any rate, I look forward to hearing how this lunch goes...
You should balence your check book against the BANK STATMENT, not QUICKEN. When I was dateing Alan, he did the same thing! He relied on QUICKEN rather then going to the bank statment.
Today the manageing partner gave me a new cleint. He want’s me to meet them for lunch tomorow, and take them out for a meal. I told the manageing partner I would be happy to meet them, but I do NOT want to have a big lunch (with drinkeing) b/c I am trying to keep off the 3 pounds I lost.
He said OH PISHAW, and is makeing me take them out MYSELF! I do NOT even know these guy’s and I have to go w/o the manageing partner?
The manageing partner says that I have got to grow up soon. I told him I am OVER 30 year’s old! He just laughed and started buffeing his head again with his hankercheef!
July 16, 2012 at 4:16 pm
- I need to reply to this to highlight the use of PISHAW, which is truly a term of art.
July 16, 2012 at 5:07 pm
- Oh snap!Hey halfpint, is your Manageing Partner Pa Ingalls?!#Pshaw
July 16, 2012 at 5:34 pm
- Pshaw, Pa would never be a jerk like the Manageing Partner; his blue eyes twinkle when he fiddles.
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This is hilarious!