Jim (the cleint who persistently tried to date and perhaps marry Ellen) is suddenly back after a long narrative hiatus. And TCFKAG, Ellen is generally a Lord & Taylor girl, followed by Macy's for proximity, but she has mentioned Norsrum before.
Smart girl! I am goieng to Nordstrom’s next weekend.
Yay!!!! Open thread’s! I love Open thread’s!!!!
Has any one in the hive thought about takeing their dad’s out to the beach for FATHER’s day? After all, when I was a little girl and Rosa was a BABY, Dad took us all out to Jone’s Beach where we ALL learned how to swim in the OCEAN. Dad held Rosa so she did NOT have to swim, but I was told how to swim, and then taken out to 4 foot of water which was VERY deep b/c I was ONLEY about mabye 3 feet tall. Dad then let me go and said to SWIM to him as he backed away, so I was forced to paddel the way he told me to (it is not easy to swim in the ocean), and when I got to him he would pick me UP over his head and then back DOWN again! YAY! It was fun and scarey at the same time!!!!
Myrna is fineally getting better and she is NOT contageous any more so she is comeing out to celebreate FATHER’s day with us, b/c her family is out West some where. Also that guy Jim has some new cases so I am meeting him Monday in the office. I hope he does not start stareing at me again. Still not a PEEP from Philip (I am writeing him off, and telleing Ed that he was NOT to be my spouse), and David continue’s to text “HOW ARE YOU DOEING?” all the time. I think he wants attention but NOT marriage, so FOOEY on him.
Have a great weekend with your FAMILIE’s. Dad is here but we are leaveing early to catch the 3:30 train home together!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
- NoRDstroM’S? But I thought you were loyal to Lord & Taylor Ellen!
Ellen sounds HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!