Thursday, June 13, 2013

I wonder if she is goieng to become a lawyer like me?

This is SO funny! My dad said that I was alot like Sally Draper as a child, and more like January Jones now. I wonder if she is goieng to become a lawyer like me? I sent my dad a very nice Fathers’ Day card last week, and gave him a VERY nice box of golf ball’s b/c he is alway’s looseing them on the course. For the hive, there is actualy a golf place just off of Park Avenue in the 50′s that has a GREAT selection of sporting good’s.
Dad is comeing back into the City Friday, and we are goeing back to LI together on the LIRR. YAY! I get my own PORTER for the train. I hope I do NOT have to tip him and I know that he will NOT pinch my tuchus. He stopped doieng that when I was 9. Thank GOD! If onley peeople on the subway’s and busses would keep their filthy hand’s to themselves! This is becomeing a REAL problem, and I am VERY suprised more peeople in the HIVE have NOT complained. FOOEY!


  1. Ellen is not picking up on the fact that Poppa is jabbing her. Dad is referring to the Mad Man TV show. Sally Draper is a spoiled beeotch, and her mother, played by January Jones, is cold and distant, though still capable of keeping a man warm at night, including, we just saw, her ex, Don Draper, even tho she's married to that other guy now. Ellen is so forgiving of her dad that it is sickening. She needs to stand up for herself.

  2. January Jones is white hot; I'd love to put the blocks to her. The daughter is a little young. Send her back to me in 10 years and I'll show her a good time too. By then it will be October for January, and she won't be as pliable as I prefer. We Kutzas have long been known as the best Latin Lovers in the Argentinian hill country.
