Sunday, June 30, 2013

he is afreaid I will get BURNED out!

Is MP suddenly encouraging Ellen to take a bunch of her paid vacation time? Very suspicious, as he almost never advocates anything purely for Ellen's good. My first intuition is that he wants her out of the picture for at least a week while he does something even sketchier with the firm and its finances and membership--perhaps even with Dad's collusion. 

Yay!!!! Open thread’s!!!! I love open thread’s!!! The manageing partner says that I MUST take a vacateion this year. Last year I onley took 7 day’s off over the corse of the full year and he is afreaid I will get BURNED out! FOOEY! Me to. OR, Mabye I can get Myrna to take time off or Dad can take me to San Francisco b/c he once taught at Stanford U so he knows ALL about Silicone Valley and HI-TECH thing’s!
For now I told dad that I would NOT go home this weekend, but I would go with him to the manageing partner’s house in the Hamton’s over the 4th of July holiday and go out on the new 53 foot boat. The manageing partner is showeing picture’s of it to everyone and he is goeing to have a party in August for the whole firm. YAY!!!!!
Myrna did NOT want to go into NYSC to see Brandon so mabye next week. She is to busy getting siked for her race this weekend. I have to drive upstate with her, so I am going tr be gone all day Saturday and we will stay until Sunday! Yay!!!


  1. I agree with your good instincts, tho dad may have raised the matter with MP, as she seems to be working constantly. A trip to the coast could be beneficial to mind and body, tho there are a dearth of straight guys in SF, and there's sure to be a stir, if not a cat fight breaking out if our gal makes an appearance and attracts one of the few remaining guys the other gals have been pining for in North Beach!

    I recommend she take time off, but closer to home, where she will not stand out as much.

    1. Actually, some of my Bay Area reader's have expressed interest in taking Ellen out on the town, and they're planning another meetup sometime soon. I think the attention she would attract from high-earning men would be very welcome to the group, especially since she'd have to go back to NYC and leave the spoils to local Corporettes still in need of husbands.
