And the ever-sporty Myrna has occasioned misspellings of her crowning event before...
Yay! I love fruegel Friday’s and I think hese are VERY pretty, Kat, but I would have to keep Frank from stareing at me if I wore these, tank top’s!
Dad got here before me and he was “shocked” how I dress comeing in to work. I told him how can I exersize and walk 3 miles with pump’s and a dress so I get my FITBIT mile’s in? I am also swettie today and that is why I have to wear loose clotheing and sneaker’s goeing in to work AND back.
He grumbeled, but agreed that I have to keep up the work to get my tuchus down and in shape. Dad is goeing with the manageing partner on his boat over July 4, and they invited me to go also, with mom. I am not sure yet, b/c I might have something to do with Myrna. Myrna is also doeing some kind of tryatheleon so I might cheer her on instead. Dad is here now, and he want’s me to go out and get him coffee. FOOEY! He will NOT let me go to CRUMB’s either. DOUBEL FOOEY!
- Love how Ellen talks to Kat like they are friends IRL. Hmmmmm
- I love that she always turns the subject of conversation back to herself! Still grinning over the “tryatheleon.”
- I hear triathlons are pretty “trying”…
- Well, it wouldn’t be a tryathelon if you didn’t “try”
- Ha! Jinx. :)
Ellen evidently tries hard, but is not up to the little details. For her, hitting the high notes seems to be enough, both for her, and the law firm where she works. I would not want to see her get burnt out at work, either; otherwise, we would not be able to share these pearls of wisdom.