Thursday, June 28, 2012

[Second Coming!]

I'm fanning myself vigorously this morning. Guess who came back by, this time announcing herself publicly and submitting game-change level assistance in the ELLENWatch mission?
Your eyes do not deceive you, readers:

Ha, sorry, I always read this site on my iPad and haven't figured out how to log in. I do like to see what she posts before she does it, but I almost never delete her stuff, at least not now. There was a period of several months where I didn't let anything on (and trashed it all) and I was amazed how often she still commented, clearly reading the posts too. She's as much a mystery to me as anyone.

- kat

(Background for those who need it: Kat was responding to this set of questions and concerns occasioned by Ellen's nearly week-long absence earlier this month.)


First: I need to get past "I always read this site on my iPad." I'm sure "always" just means that this is as opposed to reading it on her computer. The concept of anyone, especially Kat, "always" reading me is just too much.

The middle portion of this comment essentially confirms our existing hunches about relevant logistics. But as such it is invaluable

Finally: "she's as much a mystery to me as anyone." This puts to rest some of my more fun notions that Ellen and Kat knew each other in law school, but also gives the lie to Ellen's occasional intimations that she has some kind of outside, private contact with Kat in which Kat threatens to edet her if she gets TOO OFF-TARGET and so on. Ellen may see benefit in pretending they have some kind of collegial relationship, but they do not. (Kat and the likes of me, on the other hand...haha.)

So welcome back, Kat! As many times as you wish to grace us! This was immensely helpful; made my day if not week. And as I say to everyone, thank's for playeing. 


  1. I always read you. But I'm well documented to have no life. :-) It also took me several tries to figure out how to sign in with a user name to .. yeah.

    1. You clearly have a life based on how long it took you to comment on this post. What were you DOING since 9 am?????

    2. Well...first I went to work...then I realized I forgot my computer and had to go BACK HOME. Then there was HEALTH CARE. THen other things had been posted and I was distracted and was a day.

  2. How exciting for you!!

  3. Whoa, that's awesome! Go ELLENWatch!
