Wednesday, June 27, 2012

you will have chin splint’s.

Ellen affirms that MP's leering isn't tolerable even if the money goes toward breast cancer research.

Ellen June 27, 2012 at 10:11 am
I am NOT a runner, but I have a little advise.
First, do NOT do to much right away, or you will NOT stick with it b/c you will have chin splint’s.
Then, if you start slowely, you can gradueally ramp up to do alot more after a while.
The manageing partner wanted me to enter the Chase Challenge and run around Central Park representeing the firm but I said I was NOT ready to do so b/c I did NOT have time to ramp up.
Now he want’s me to do the next Susan B. Komen challenge. He just wants to come and watch me weareing the firms’ TEE shirt and short’s. I do NOT want to let him oggle me, even at a CHARITY event. FOOEY!

Read more:


  1. This made me laugh really hard. I almost want chin splint's.

    If I could, I would create an algorithm that could analyze her capitalized words and see if it is a pattern or code. I think there is some kind of rhyme or reason there somewhere.

    1. This has been suggested before, whether by you or someone else. I've also seen a reader commenting that she prefers totally randomized caps rather than the more predictable patterns such as capitalizing all nouns, or capitalizing for emphasis.

      I've noticed that she's consistent in very little other than capitalization of NOT. She also uses the following to refer to MP:

      --manageing partner
      --MANAGEING partner

      but never does she use manageing PARTNER. Why not? Or, will she do this tomorrow now that this observation has been published?

      Needless to say, if you ever undertake this worthy algorithm study I hope I'll be the first to hear about it!
