Tuesday, September 4, 2012

the money verses the presetiege

Ellen finally spells out the contours of her dilemma between going in-house and becoming a judge. 
Also, until now I thought I, ELLENWatch, was the only person to use Tripel Fooey! The fooeying is escalating but hopefully will not inflate beyond control. 

Ellen September 3, 2012 at 7:28 pm
Good luck to you. I know peeple inhouse and they are NOT workeing on Labor Day.
It should be much better than having to be billeing all the time like me. FOOEY!
I am billeing right now!!! Doubel FOOEY! I have to do this at work NOW b/c my computer is not workeing and I am useing the manageing partners’ computer. He is relaxeing NOW in the Hamtons.
I may go in house, unless I decide to become a judge. I have to consider the money verses the presetiege of being a Judge. This is a good choice I should have in a year or 2. Yay!!!!!
Tripel Fooey!

Read more: http://corporette.com/2012/08/31/holiday-weekend-open-thread-13/#ixzz25VInyMOn

1 comment:

  1. Be a judge. They need people on the bench like you and Frances!
