Thursday, November 21, 2013

“Hi, [INSERT NAME], this is Ellen!”

I love this dress, but the color, NOT SO MUCH! FOOEY on the color!
As for the OP, When I am at work, b/c we do NOT have caller ID, and our phone’s just light up with a singel ring, I alway’s answer: “Hello, this is Ellen Barshevsky, can I help you?”
On the OTHER HAND, on my Iphone, I have caller ID, so I can tell if I know someone, I just say: “Hi, [INSERT NAME], this is Ellen!”
When I am at home, I also have caller ID, and most peeople do NOT call me there other then Mom & Dad, so I either do NOT pick up if it’s a salesman, or if it’s mom & dad, I just say: “Hi!”
Tonite, I am posteponeing my doubel date with Vikram until next week b/c I am to busy this week. I am goeing to have Roberta in the office tomorrow to go over 15 new cases, and I MUST be prepared. She said we can go to Macy’s afterward’s! YAY!!!!


  1. Not sure what happened to Ellen, but she should certainly lock her ankles together when going out with Vikram.

    According to Wikipedia, Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean also called Ceylon and many other names. It is about the size of Ireland. It is about 28 kilometres (18 mi.) off the south-eastern coast of India with a population of about 20 million. Sri Lanka is ethnically, linguistically, and religiously diverse.

    With this said, I can see why Vikram would want to diddle with Ellen.

  2. Ellen sounds very professional.

    So don't come a knockin' if you see the van rockin'!
