Friday, December 7, 2012

do NOT get desert from me

This is very reminiscent of the fleece she pulled on Jim back when he still thought he had a chance. TIME AND THE PASTRAMI is how we might abbreviate Ellen's MO as outlined here in Paragraph 3. 

Ellen :
Yes, I agree. When the man PAY’s, he think’s he owns you. That is BS, Roberta told me. Men who spring for a $25 dinner do NOT get desert from me. FOOEY on that. If you like the guy, you can kiss him good night, but NEVER anything just because the guy paid for a dinner.
I am a workeing girl, so I can aford to pay for my own meal’s. Roberta says I should even buy some time so that I can “emasculate” the guy and NOT make him think he is all that.
When I have work lunches, I pay, and the men NEVER think twice about it. Then the manageing partner has me bill them back, both for the cost of the meal, plus tip, plus my hourly rate. So the guy actually has to pay for me after all and he does not even know it. Yay!


  1. Good. I am glad Ellen does not equate having a man pay for her meal as a quid pro quo for engaging in sex with that man. She is, as they say, "dumb as a fox" meaning that even tho she comes off like a neophyte, she probably has more on the ball than we give her credit for.

    I do worry about her and what her dad will say if she dares tell him that she's interested in a guy who works in a NYC restaurant named Gonzalo.

    Even the old lady, Grandma Leyeh, could keel over. Do what you can, EllenWatch, to make sure she does not do anything to embarrass us.

    1. It's certainly important that Ellen not do anything to make you Sunshine Girls look bad. Remember, though, that her father is probably going to MEET Gonzalo at the firm party! Let me know if you decide to show up and make a scene.
