I wonder what kind of edit's Ellen might make if somebody actually did pass on a ppt to her. Picture MP proudly showing, for example, this post--as is but in bullet format and maybe with silly colors, shapes and animation reminiscent of his favorite associate.
OMG, this dress is so cute! But no way with with my tuchus being what IT is now– HUGE!!!!
Frank and the manageing partner would be stareing at me way to much!
Does anyone in the HIVE have a INTERNET LINK to a POWERPOINT presenteation on how to do diliegience that I can use, so I can give the manageing partner a presentation for his CLE class?
I know alot about it, but do NOT have the LEGAL underpinneings that HE is lookeing for. The CLE peeople at the bar are askeing for a copy NOW, and I have NOT even started on it! FOOEY!