Monday, December 17, 2012

"Got it?"

This is the closest we have to any roundup of the Sunshine Girls' judgments on Ellen's suitors (and in other news, they actually responded, directly, to a question from me). It's fairly comprehensive, if we assume there's nothing more to be said about ALAN. Personally, I think both Ellen and the S&S Associates are being a bit harsh on David, but do other reader's have input? 

This is not the first observation that the Sunshine Girls have so many commonalities with Ellen that they may either be her or moving along some kind of gradual transition into Ellenhood. 

Darn it! I was hoping that Gonzalo was gone and forgotten! But things are looking up a bit if Ellen is not thinking of him in a romantic context any more. Perhaps her new focus on partnership has caused her to relegate Gonzalo to the bottom of priority pile in her subconscious. But I still am concerned. If Gonzalo was interested in pursuing Ellen as a mere associate, won't he go after her with both barrels once she's been elevated to partner? Let's hope he does not stop by the office once Ellen's name is enshrined as the first name on the door! ELLENWatch, please do whatever you can to help ensure that these two do not become a couple. Even if this schmoe looks like a pint size version of Antonio Bandares, Ellen is a lot younger than Melanie Griffith, so they should not be a couple.
  1. I had a feeling this would be your opinion. Also, this is the first time you ladies have exactly replicated my own caps/lower case arrangement of my name, so thank's for that. I feel our relationship warming.

    I'm curious: is there any man Ellen has ever met or will ever meet of whom the Sunshine Girls would approve? I may do a special post on this if I don't hear back from you.
  2. Since Ellen is much like us, as 5th and 6th year associates at a large NYC Firm (which will go unnamed), we would want the same type of man for her as we do for ourselves. An educated, handsome man who has a good job and will be a devoted family man, willing to put us first while advancing mutual needs. As such, a lazy do nothing like Harold does nothing for us, and an opportunistic prick like David (trying to curry favor with the dad using the religion card) is also despicable. Finally, we see nothing redeeming in a guy who works in a restaurant, and likely in need of a green card, who would view us as not much more than a combination sexual object and meal ticket.

    We want the best for Ellen (like ourselves), and will not settle for anything less. Got it?


  1. Re Alan, he might have had some possibilities, as a CPA, but who wants a drunk? We agree that it was best for Ellen to jettison him. We also don't think much of the stupid dufus Ellen has to go to St. Louis with. Even assuming, arguendo that he had any sex appeal (which is highly doubtful), there is consensus here that he is one loser that none of us would bed, let alone wed.

    We renew our position that as female professionals that have worked very hard to attain our respective station in life, we should never have to settle for any thing less. Yes, we are unmarried and over the age of 30, and if that makes us undesirable to some, who cares? We are all awaiting our own perfect matches, and hope we find him. There has got to be some guys out there of quality that would appreciate us for what we bring to the table. Although we are lawyers, we are also sweet and feminine, so we bring the best of both worlds to the table. We do not know if you are a lawyer, ELLENWatch, but if you are, you should be familiar with all the obstacles we women have faced in getting to where we are today. None of us ever want to take even one step backward for the privilege of being coupled to a man. That is all we have to say on this subject. Hopefully, you understand and will be in a position to relay our views to your readers in an objective manner.

  2. I do indeed understand. And I think direct transcription is as objective as it gets! I'm allowed to say you're being too harsh on David just as you're allowed to say that I'm loafing again and you may fooey me if and when I miss another post, etc.

    The STL travel companion was Jim. Thank you again for your spirited participation here.
