Wednesday, December 12, 2012

1 year cheeze of the month gift

Ellen has been breaking hearts everywhere she goes since college, as we already knew. (Henry and Biff are about right as male counterparts to Myrna and Linda, right? The name Ellen seems downright avant garde by comparison.) 
I really wonder why DAD thought even for a moment that cheezedoodle was a good prospect. Ellen may still get her chance to "follow up," however--she ducks into some New York artisanal cheeze shop one day, looking for creem cheeze with CHIVE'S for MP, and...

Ellen :
When I was a JUNIOR in college, this guy, Henry, gave me a 1 year cheeze of the month gift b/c he learned from my room mate that I LOVED cheeze. Henry also had a crush on me all Seinior Year and he OFTEN hung outside my dorm door even after I got in at night. I do NOT know what he was doeing out there, and did NOT even want to know.
Even after I gradueated and applied to law school, he was calleing me at home and askeing my dad whether I still liked cheeze. My dad wanted me to follow up with him year’s ago, but I said FOOEY, no thank’s! I wonder where that guy is now? Probabley working for a cheeze store, my Mom think’s! Yay for mom!

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