Wednesday, December 19, 2012

takeing it over for DINNER and Drink’s also

Confirming the firm party is tomorrow night. Sound's like the 1950s theme idea got ditched somewhere along the line.  Also, "Gone"-zalo now seems permenently out of the running in Ellen's love life. 

Ellen :
My FATHER established an IRA for me along time ago, but I do NOT know FOR SURE what kind it is. He also contribueted money in it for me when I was NOT workeing, but NOW that I am at the firm, the manageing partner put’s some of my salary in a 401K, which I think is the same thing, so if you can get a 401K, then I would go for that.
Tomorow, I have to leave early to go to the resturant to prepare for the party. They STILL are useing the resturant for LUNCH, but we are takeing it over for DINNER and Drink’s also. The manageing partner told them today ONLEY to have “TOP SHELF” liquer there, but MYRNA says we NEED to be sure they are NOT just filling the bottel’s with cheep stuff. So she VOLUNEERED to come by early b/c she knows alot about wine and liquer, and she can tell if the bottels have the real stuff or cheep stuff.
She also will INSIST that we ONLEY have sealed bottel’s there, so that the resturant does not refill the bottels. I am so GLAD some times that I have peeople that know about these things, but I hope that GONEZALO would not stiff the manageing partner, b/c he is spending alot of money. I can NOT even say how much b/c it is to much! So if you don’t see me posteing, it is b/c I am goeing to be VERY busy tomorow with all of my cleint’s. I hope this all pay’s off for me and it is a BIG SUCESS!!!!! YAY!

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