Thursday, December 13, 2012

we need a FORENSICK acountant

I had a feeling Alan's name would be brought up, given the services apparently required here. Presumably Dad vehemently disapproved of the old lout, so why is he suggesting Ellen get back in touch to ask a favor? The only thing I can think of is his consistent FREUGALITY, i.e. he might think Alan wouldn't charge, or would offer some kind of Freelancer's Ex Discount. I doubt it. At any rate, let's hope the FOOEY overrules and Dad doesn't dare contact Alan independently. 

The financial monitoring and lack of distinctions hardly merit comment anymore. And it's still possible that this Dad-MP meeting happen's impromptu at next week's holiday shindig. (By the way, is it ultimately going to be a 1950s sock-hop or not??????)

Ellen :
I agree. I am pretty sure I saw this cami at Lord and Taylor. I cannot see wearing this into work b/c Frank and the Manageing Partner would have a feild day with it! FOOEY on them. I will NOT let them use ME for thier anatomy lesson’s! DOUBEL FOOEY ON THEM if they think so, b/c I do NOT.
Anyway, my dad came in to the CITY yesterday and we watched the SANDY 12-12-12 concert on CABLE last nite. It was so fun, My dad knew almost all of these singer’s, and was singeing with Mick Jagger, and he stayed OVER b/c he did NOT want to go to PENN station at 1 in the MORNING. I slept on the couch and he took my bed. He told me that my bank account has over $800 more in it b/c I did NOT buy thing’s b/c of the Storm, so I contriebuted $300 and kept $500. He said I was VERY good, and he will fund the gift from my acount by paying my MC bill when it come’s in. YAY!!!!!!
He also said we need an acountant to do diliegience on the manageing partnership book’s. I told him I was an expert on do diliegience, but he said we need a FORENSICK acountant to make sure there is nothing FISHY before I plunk down my own money. I said OK, and then he asked if Alan could looke at the book’s! I said FOOEY. Alan was a CPA, but I was not talkeing to him any more b/c he perfered the bottel over me.
My dad does NOT want me to use my 401k money either, b/c that is for my retirment. He said he would consider makeing the capiteal contribution for me, IF we have to.
So now dad want’s to meet with the manageing partner about all of this but I said it is to early. I am NOT to be a partner until NEXT year, so what is the rush?

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are right. The last thing we need now is for Sheketovitz to get back into her life (and bed). If this happens, all we can hope to look forward to is a guy who pisses on the floor when he is not too drunk to vomit too. As Ellen would say: "Fooey on him". She is so much better off without him. He evidently had sex with her, which is unforgivable, since he had no intention of marrying her. This is why men like this need to be neutered. If they are not looking for sex, they will not spoliate women before marriage.
