Monday, December 3, 2012

every body thought it was VERY funny

Well, it sounds like Ellen took her pants off one itchy day during sophomore year at some proud Long Island high school. I'm surprised by the benign reaction she apparently got--was she somehow less all-consumingly beautiful at age 15? I could actually go pretty far down this road pretty fast. Ellen prequels, Ellen flashback's, Ellen roots...

I have to appreciate the clarification, no doubt given for me, that the historic excursion planned with Roberta did not work out. Entirely in keeping with the routine building between these two, it was apparently a matter of too many muffins.

Ellen :
I have this problem. I will ONLY wear wool when I have silk or NYLON lineings. Once my mother gave me a pair of WOOL slack’s and it was NOT lined. It got so itchey that I had to take them off. I was ONLEY in 10th grade, but every body thought it was VERY funny.
I forgot to tell the HIVE that we did NOT get a chance to go to WAVE Hill. Roberta said we will go there soon, but we did NOT have enough time since we ate so much at the DELI. Yay!

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