Tuesday, January 14, 2014

terible internet conectivity

Confirmed: "the new guy" is Ellen's new associate. And, probelems with MP's de facto autocracy (due to the voting weights) continue.

Hug’s to you. Unfortuneately, I NEVER can work from home b/c we have terible internet conectivity, which MIGHT change when we move to new office’s soon. Right now, I have to do things thru my MACBOOK AIR b/c no one has laptops. FOOEY! When we move to the new place, the manageing partner said we will all be getting new laptops which he wants us to take home at night and work remotely. He also has purchased a WIRELESS ROOTER for the office that he will allow us to access REMOTELY! YAY if it works. The one we have NOW is NOT very useful for my Apple machine, and often cut’s me off. DOUBEL FOOEY!
I also have to go to court and the manageing partner let’s me use my iphone, but starting Feburuary 1, I will be geting a BLACKBERRY and must use it. He outvoted me and 2 other partner’s that agreed with me that I should be abel to use my iphone, but b/c he has a supermajority vote, what the manageing partner wants NO ONE CAN OVERRULE. TRIPEL FOOEY!
The judge like’s the new guy and told him he would marry me if he were 30 year’s younger, and told him to date me. FOOEY, b/c I would NEVER date a guy I was workeing with. Dad agree’s! YAY!!!!


  1. I don't understand the problem with the blackberry. In many circles, having a blackberry is a status symbol bestowed upon many a person who really doesn't even need one. At least Ellen does not appear to be status-conscious. That's a plus in a city full of petty jerks!

    1. In my firm we are required to carry our BBs 24/7 in case we are needed. It is no status symbol, more like a yoke.

  2. The new guy will surely want to hump Ellen?
