Tuesday, October 2, 2012

[fave REECENT coments]

I don't want to be accused of hoarding all the fun (or intrigue) to myself, so here I am keeping you all apprised of the anonymous comments with which I continue to be blessed. In fact, these two showed up in rapid succession, and unlike many other recent ones I am not sure I have the Sunshine Girls to thank. 

First, this in response to my post about whether Ellen is a shill for Lord & Taylor
This is fintastic! I am not sure about where KarenPadi got her information, but I am glad Ellenwatch Straightened her out! 

The unconventional approach to capital letters here is familiar enough, and I tried not to get too excited wondering why this commenter might be defensive and huffy about karenpadi's speculation...as if it were a personal affront...But what does give me pause is "fintastic." This word, spelled the same way, appeared in what I believe was the first or second comment I ever received on ELLENWatch (see here). If this poster is, um, I don't quite dare to say it...does that mean the earlier one was too? 

This woman must really be pretty. Otherwise, who would put up with her antics? 

I really wouldn't describe Ellen's life and times as consisting in much, or any, "antics." She rarely reports doing anything for fun, and all joking and lightheartedness that we do hear of are apparently at her expense. At any rate, the post on which this comment appeared demonstrated all business in the courtroom. So what do you mean, Anonymous? You can't be referring to the trolling involved in being Ellen, because then you'd be admitting that prettiness (and even femaleness) can't be inferred at all about whomever is behind this years-long COMENTING career. 

No, I'm inclined that this comment follows in the school of

Ellen is Cool. She has to be very cute for MP to put up with her. And this website does a great job of keeping us current with her antics! I don't think Ellen would be so coddled (20% clothing rebate) and trips with the MP unless she was gorgeous 

I loved--and blogged--this comment at the time, but it was before the Sunshine Girls had made themselves known. Ladies, was this you? If so, I admire your consistency, right down to the phrasing, but if not I kinda hope I may have rated another visit from B. McLeod. His expertise is valued here as nowhere else, and I will never forget what an honor it was to be called Ellen's "high carnival" on the ABA site. Something tells me, nonetheless, that McLeod is too much the gentleman/professional to be remarking on Ellen's attractiveness, at least on a public forum. So perhaps we have a third--or three thousandth--player here?

Your guess is as good as mine, ELLENWatchers. 

Freinds on this websight,

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