Saturday, August 4, 2012

[Front Lines of Research: Ellen's ABA AVENGER]

Well, this is weird. But recent. Over at the ABA Journal site, B. McLeod is fairly bitter in recalling Ellen's ban. Commenters were simply asked where they were 5 years ago, and McLeod became angry-nostalgic thinking back to when Ellen was still welcome there. S/he dates the ouster correctly, and "Molly" here is presumably deputy manageing editor Molly McDonough, with whom Ellen herself had beef as well at the time.  

Man, oh man, Scoob!  Just had a flashback to 2007, when I had not yet posted on this site, and Ellen Barshevsky wasn’t banned.  Wow.  Ellen is still out there, but not on this site.  I still can barely believe how the pompous, uptight, humorless, BigLaw Jackals who dominated this site before the Deluge convinced Molly to ban Ellen Barshevsky.  Well, I can only say Karma is holding high carnival these days.  I never really saw the reason for that ban, (back in November of 2008, as I recall) but I couldn’t convince Molly.  She seems like a sweet lass, that Molly, but very stubborn.  Heard me out, at least, but it was a lot like arguing with my cat (normally to no avail, and with the same result in that particular instance).  Nowadays, Lee is very stubborn too.  They must hire for that when they need a Moderator.  I don’t want to sound like Darby O’Gyll, but I suppose I’m the only living poster to have ever successfully appealed a Moderator ruling on this site.  One time, in four years.  Ironically, probably the most obscene comment I ever posted on this site is still out there, having gone right over the Moderators’ heads (as it were, and probably to their credit).
Well, here’s to the next five years.  “Let the music keeps our spirits high; Let the Deluge keep our children dry. . .”
By B. McLeod on 2012 07 26, 1:43 am CDT

The highlighted portions strike me as almost haughty! Is B. McLeod an ELLENWatcher among us today, perhaps having even less perspective on irony and frivolity than I? More importantly, I'd love to know the "Karma" of which McLeod speaks. Obviously I'm inclined to assume it refers to my blog, namely that poor old ABA Journal is missing out on too much fun here! And ELLENWatch is nothing if not a "high carnival." 
Especially given the rambling nature of the rest of this comment, however, I'm guessing it's more about B. McLeod than it is about me (or even ELLEN). I almost didn't blog this at all, but the feeling of an imperfect record was going to bug me.


  1. Hey There EW,

    You may be interested to know that the last line of that post is a song by Jackson Browne, Before the Deluge.

    1. You're invaluable, Francie. I really should have done a search for these lines, given the quotation marks.

      The lyrics are haunting and add to the faintly apocalyptic tenor of McLeod's post. The line that I think most pertinent for ELLENWatchers is "Let creation reveal it's secrets by and by." First, of course, "it's" is a misapplication of the apostrophe. Second, we are all to some extent waiting for the creator (of Ellen) to reveal his or her secrets...though as in true religious rapture, we cannot hope to know whether this will ever happen. Mysterious ways, and all that.

  2. Aw Thanks!

    I kept looking at that line going I know that sounds familiar, I remeber it, but where from so I googled it. I am no Jackson Browne fan ;)

    It has been rumored before that B. McLeod is Ellen.

    I love your Ellen analyse it is very thoughtful.

    1. FOOEY! I did NOT know about this! I am researching now and will post when ready. Feel free to add some links of your own if you're up for it!
