Thursday, May 9, 2013

does NOT want to fesse up to me and Ed

Unsurprisingly, Ed has a defense for his friend. He probably really means it too. Who would want to believe he had led Ellen into such a FOOEY? Waiting to hear what comes of the entrapment plan involving Myrna posing as an available young lovely to somehow discern once and for all whether or not Philip is singel.
Meanwhile, I say Ellen is doing alot of leading on with Robert ("Fish Breathe") if she isn't interested. It's been weeks.
New York ELLENWatchers, note this new potential context for sightings: abike. My best guess for a visual is below, complete with gift status from Dad. Perhaps the bin up front is for bringing her scale everywhere. 

You should GO to Wiliamsburgh Virginia, especialy if you like HISTORY. It is NOT to far from DC, and they have all the OLD Colonial Stuff, like butter churning and bakeing utensil’s and showing what it was like in OLD TIME VIRGINIA in the 1600′s and 1700 before GEORGE Washington came and crossed the DELAWARE river and all. You should GOOGLE IT and see for yourself! Yay!
Rosa said that Ed talked to Philip and Philip said that he was busy on a project this weekend. What kind of project does a STOCK BROKER do over the weekend? He sell’s stock and the stock market is NOT even open on the weekend! Myrna is CONVINCED he is dateing someone else and does NOT want to fesse up to me and Ed. Ed think’s he might be doeing some kind of project for the head guy, but he is NOT sure b/c he does NOT know all of the longterm project’s that the office has for him. FOOEY if he is 2 timing me. I am so glad he NEVER kissed me (or worse!)
Fish Breathe wanted to know if I wanted to go to Coney Island with him. He said that he was goieng to see if he could get ticket’s for the minor leegue Baseball team there that is part of the MET’S. I said why should I go all the way out there when the METS are at City Field. I told him I would go if he got Met’s tickets. I do NOT want to go to the Yankee’s b/c they are in a bad part of town, even tho it is not to far from Grandma Leyeh, I do NOT want to get on the subway late at night to go home. FOOEY!
I am thinkeing about buying a bicycele to ride on weekend’s in Central Park with Myrna. I do NOT have alot of room, and would have to keep it in my apartement in the OFFICE. Frank says this willcause me to loose my home office Deducteion. I hope he is WRONG, b/c I got a BIG tax brake b/c of the home office deducteion, my DAD says, and Dad does NOT want me to loose that.
Dad called me to say he would support any exercise that makes my tuchus go away so he will figure out something. YAY for Dad!

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