What a coincedence! The manageing partner attended a seminar for manageing partner’s who work at other law firms and came back with what must be the same satisfaction survey. He aksed each of us to FILL it out and get it back to him by DECEMBER 1, which is SATURDAY!!!! I SERIUSLY do NOT think he is doeing any work on it over the weekend, but HE set the deadline, NOT us.
The survey has all of these dumb question’s which do NOT even apply to our firm. We do NOT have an excercise facility, so the 3 question’s about it I CANNOT even answer. Also, there is a question about the “firm chef”. We do NOT have one, so why is he akseing us to rate the quality of the chef, and the menu selection? FOOEY! Now I think we should have one, but we do NOT even have a full KITCHEN! It realy does NOT make any sense.
Finaly, the survey say’s we should rate the quality of our “concierge service”. What on earth is that? I know there is a concierge in a hotel that get’s you ticket’s and special food’s and tell’s you where to go to eat, but NOT at our law firm. I do alot of this MYSELF. The manageing partner makes ME go out to CRUMBS when he want’s to get the best cookie’s and muffin’s and I am the one that sugested the place for our holiday party. I guess I am the concerge, so I will rate me #1. Yay!
Ellen :