Tuesday, November 13, 2012

[Update from the Sunshine Mailbag]

In comments that are getting longer and longer, the Sunshine Girls affirm their place as true colleagues here. It's an advantage rather than a disadvantage that they seem to lack any sense of irony, instead fully endorsing the Corporette nightmare conceptions of dating, work and gender relations that Ellen unfailingly bespeaks. I do not promise such treatment for each of their messages--that might well call for its own blog, which is too many layers of jokes-taken-seriously even for me. But we're having some comparatively slow Ellen news days, and this isn't bad, so I thought I'd share. My responses are interspersed in special font below. 

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "she was also a faschion model and cherleader": 

Good write up! What evidence do we have as to where Ellen got her BA degree? I recall dad went to MIT. What does Ellen's dad do for a living? It also sounds like Mr. Andrew was a retired partner (who else would have had a window office?) Yep, Papa Barshevsky absolutely went to MIT, before being begged, but declining, to join Mensa. We don't know his profession. As to why I think Ellen went to GW for undergrad as well as law school, see her comment about her alma matter here. As I have said, this is a relatively weak conviction on my part, but I don't think she'd be bragging about "social studies" (not that the school has such a department) if she was only there studying law. She also partitions this comment with "Then there was the LAW school issue", suggesting that everything said up to that point was not about the law school.

I think Ellen will become an important part of the firm as she nurtures her own clientele. If the managing partner is offering up a paralegal dedicated to her, can partnership be far behind? If Ellen makes partner she can have her pick of dudes, since we're probably talking at least $600-700K per year at a small firm (which I guess this is). I am pulling for her, as she appears to have been given the shaft (in more ways than one) in recent years, between being subjugated by men interested in exploiting her for her looks and body, to being told exactly what to do by dad, to being the vassal of the managing partner wo fortunately has not hit on her sexually (ogling is permitted obviously). I don't know what happened to the other three O's that usually appear in this word.

As a young city gal trying to make it, she should learn from Roberta, who has evidently taken her under her wing) except avoid the beer, which will give her a larger touchus and gut than she needs. Ah.

My only reservation if she becomes a partner is that she may have trouble balancing that with home and family. I guess Ellen is already 32-33 and her eggs are not getting any fresher. She needs to find a guy and start popping out her young uns NOW lest she risk increased chance of developmental disabilities. In some ways it is too bad Alan was impotent, as she could have had a kid by now before dumping his scrawny drunken ass. If she is as pretty as I think, most guys in the market for a professional beauty with a brain would still make their plays to become Mr Barshevsky and tend to the young one while Ellen attains new heights in the law firm.

Then, I could see Ellen becoming a judge or a law professor where she would not have to work very hard while having law clerks or students doing the heavy liffting for her. There are lots of good looking women who have already done this, so why not our Ellen? I say go for it! You go Girl! Stick it to the man for a change! 

Posted by Anonymous to ELLENWatch at November 11, 2012 11:24 AM

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