Friday, November 16, 2012

Not rif-raff, but educeated professioneals!

Someone asks for suggestions for celebrating her husband's birthday, and Ellen warns of the risks of AIDS (or something worse than AIDS). She also expresses regret that she didn't have bikini apple-bobbing parties for Alan while they were dating. Given that Myrna would have attended, I don't think the outcome would have been any better. Que sera, girl.

Meanwhile, we're slowly closing in on Ellen's exact age. She was with Alan for a year at most, and they broke up by spring 2011. Her birthday is in March, so this means she must have turned either 30 or 31 in March 2011. Unless I messed up somewhere, which very occasionally I do, she is now either 31 or 32. We had known she was between 30 and 34, but this is still progress. 

Ellen :
Be carful. When I was 30, I was with Alan, but his idea of a fun night out was to go drinkeing with his dumb accountent friends, and they would then think they were Big Men about Town and start approacheing women to see if they wanted to go out some where else for a drink (or something else).
These were CPA’s! Not rif-raff, but educeated professioneals! So don’t think that your man is diferent. Once they have a few ounces of booze in them, they think they are big lady’s men, and they start preeneing as if the lady’s even care.
It is importent to remember that if your guy does get lucky, he could be bringeing back a “gift” that you don’t want — STD’s, HERPES, AIDS or even WORSE. I could NEVER take that chance.
So I had to wind up dumping Alan when all he did was caruose, drink, and lay around my apartement for day’s and even it was geting bad at work for him b/c he was not abel to do his job with a hangeover. FOOEY!
If you wan’t to do something good for him that is NOT goeing to be bad for you. How about a Mexican apple bobing contest at your place with hot cider? They can’t complain, if the ladies are invited, particularley if the ladies dress in bikini’s! If I was smart a few year’s ago, I would have done this. Fooey, but I do NOT miss Alan. Yay!

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  1. Its great that you preserved your virgin hood

  2. Susan (edna_mode_nyc)November 20, 2012 at 1:54 PM

    I wonder if ELLEN is a bit older?

    I think a few weeks ago, she referred to one of the subway lines as the "IRT." I don't know anybody in their 30s or younger who does that. She might have picked it up from older relatives, but I how many non-hipster 30-somethings want to sound dated? For example, my mother still says, "sugar diabetes" for Type II and while I emulate her in many things, her dated medical terminology isn't one of them.

    1. Great ELLENWatchers think alike! Please see Kanye East's comment on the same observation (re the IRT), and my response, link below. Thanks for reading! Big fan!

    2. Susan (edna_mode_nyc)November 21, 2012 at 6:00 PM

      Doh! Sorry to have missed that. Clearly, my brain was addled by my dealing with 4.5pages of self-review. Off to catch a flight! Have a great Thanksgiving!
