Tuesday, November 27, 2012

managed to sniff it out and eat it!

Almost grosser than the parallel post on MP's malodorous lunchbox. The common denominator is undesirable men and their eating habits. 

Ellen :
This is what happens to ME with my LIT BAG!
Fortunately my LIT BAG is built with alot of space in it (it’s more like a cardbord BOX) and one time I left a bannanna in it and it was 100% black before I even realised that there was a bannanna in there! At the time, I was dateing Alan, and he was alway’s hungry, so when he started looking thru my bag for DORITO’S, he managed to sniff it out and eat it! Yay for him, b/c the LIT BAG was begining to smell funny.
Now I carry my LIT BAG but put FOOD in a plastic bag so that it will NOT get my case’s all wet. FOOEY!

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