Thursday, November 1, 2012

FOOEY on Sandy.

Ellen returns to Pastrami Queen with better company than she had last time. I'm interested to hear what Myrna does for work--we only know that she isn't a lawyer.

Ellen :
Me too. I love this color, but it is a little to pricey for me. And it is mabye a little to tight in the seat. Pencil dresses are great so long as you have a FLAT tuchus. Mine is anything but flat (even tho David says it is very nice).
Also, I do NOT want the manageing partner and Frank stareing at my tuchus, thank you very MUCH.
I could NOT get downtown today b/c some construction guy’s were blockeing 3rd Avenue and I did NOT want to have to go around them or take a smelly cab in bumber to bumber traffic. FOOEY on that. Sitteing in a cab with a guy who does NOT know what SOAP is with the heat on? No thanks. I would rather take the subway, but those are CLOSED down b/c of Huricane Sandy. FOOEY on Sandy. I have a great aunt named Sandy and she has false teeth and very Bad Breathe. I do not like to visit her b/c she alway’s squeezes me.
My calendar calls are all CONTINUED b/c the judge (who work’s for the State) is NOT abel to make it down town. Yay! Roberta says that she will come with me again to hear me argue my 4 cases she has. I hope she is able to make Brian settel again. It was CLASICAL! Yay Roberta! I am goieing out to eat with Myrna tonite. She want’s deli so we are going to the Second Avenue Deli. I prefer Pastrami Queen, but there are NEVER any seat’s and we want to sit DOWN and relax b/c we work VERY hard in our job’s. Yay!!!!!

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