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Arrows span roughly Fall 2007 - Spring 2012? |
Myrna seem's to have a lot of spare time on her hands to be working in finance, but we don't yet know just how BIG into the market she is. I'm enough of a nerd to like the idea of wearing bull or bear earrings depending on how things are going, so I hope Ellen lets us know if she actually gives these to Myrna, and if so how they are received.
Me to! But I am goieng to give the pair of ear ring’s to MYRNA, b/c it is a stockmarket type of thing, my dad says, with the BULL’s and the BEAR’s, and she is BIG into the market! YAY! I think she will realy apreciate it if I also get her a pair of bull’s to match…dad says one day she can wear one pair and another day she can wear the other!
Dad was so thrilled about my weight that he said the FITBIT was the best investment he ever made in me, even more so then LAW SCHOOL. I said why, b/c if I did NOT have law school I would not be where I am professionaelly, but he said that it was law school that got me sitteing to much and because of my tuchus, I could NOT get a decent guy to MARRY me. I said alot of guy’s wanted to date me and if any were any good, I would have and I probabeley would have MARRIED one, big tuchus and all. He said that none of the guy’s I was with (includeing ALAN) were any good any way, but that NOW that I have a smaller tuchus, I would NOW be able to compete with the best of women my age to lasssou the RIGHT guy — in his view, a guy with a good job, alot of money and some personalty. I told him I would NOT settel for a looser just b/c he wanted me to get MARRIED, and he agreed, b/c DAD does NOT want to have to start doeing my tax return’s again.
Dad asked me about getting a BABY gift for Rosa b/c she is big as a house and due very soon. I told her he should ask her or Ed, b/c they know what they want. I am goieng to go over to their house and watch the kid’s when she goes to the hospital, b/c the manageing partner says I can work for home then (as long as I do NOT have any court apearance’s! ) YAY! But if I do, I will have to comute all the way in from Chapaqua. FOOEY b/c that is NOT very close to NYC, especialy to the COURT HOUSE! DOUBEL FOOEY!!!!