Sunday, March 31, 2013

let ALONE marry a shrimp-o

Ellen has elsewhere stated that she is 5'5" or even 5'7". Is osteoporosis kicking in already?  At any rate, grudging thank's to VINCENT KUTZA (see comments) for directing me to this post, which came up late and might otherwise have been missed. Evidently/hopefully, this was his parting gift to me and my websight, perhaps in recompense for many less welcome contributions.

PS: As of today, Ellen must be one year older! This birthday should be 32 or 33, from what we know.

I agree. I do NOT look good in flat’s b/c I am not that tall. I am onley 5 foot 4 so when I wear flat’s I can quickly look dumpy next to a taller guy or other women with 4 inch heel’s. Beside’s the manageing partner like’s me to show my leg’s off and when your onley 5 foot 4, you BETTER be weareing high heel’s or their will NOT be to much leg to show! He may be a littel dirty minded, but it work’s b/c the judge is often STAREING at my leg’s or my red lipstick and NOT listening to hard to what I am sayeing b/c he some times akesks me to repeat it for him.
So I say if your over 5 foot 6 or 7, you can wear flat’s without looking short and dumpy, but the rest of us have to be very CARFUL b/c we are not that tall to begin with. I know Gonzalo and other squat little guy’s dont care, but I do NOT want to go out with a pipsqueak who I am taller than, let ALONE marry a shrimp-o. No, I want a guy at least 5 foot 10 or MORE, b/c I want him to PROTECT and CARE FOR ME, both fineancially and physeically. I want a PRINCE, NOT a PIPSQUEAK! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

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