Saturday, March 9, 2013

you get mistreated alot when you are the onley one who is pretty

Paragraph 2 isn't a bad satire of some of the talk about whose hair is or is not "professional." Might as well make it a nayborhood issue and announce it's about being enviably white! Like Ellen! 

Ellen must be somehow past her lactose intolerance, given how often she get's frozen yogurt now. And lastly, it looks like Dad is at least trying to demonstrate that he's done her taxes on the up-and-up. Though I still think he could find a loophole (of the most informal kind) if Ellen stares right at the inconsistent numbers and still hands over some arbitrary sum to him just because he says she has to

UPDATE: Angela provokes clarification and some free advertising for me by Alyssa, who has also commented on this post here. I'll add that name to the Sunshine Girl roster along with Alma, Fiona, and Rita (Z?). Vincent said there were only three of them, but I prefer visualizing a gaggle along these lines (or more). 

I feel for you b/c it is NEVER a good thing to have some asociate’s that are dumb and make it hard for others to work there. When I was in college, I was GROUPED with a bunch of other junior’s on a special project. We all had to CANVASS a nayborhood in DC and ask question’s of the locals on a number of SENSITIVE topic’s.
Well I got along with a few of the other girls, but there was one that thought I was just to pretty to be doeing all of this stuff in HER nayborhood. I guess it was b/c I was blond with blue eye’s and straight hair, and others all had brown hair not straight but CURELY. So the other’s ganged up on me and did NOT say I did my job when I did. FOOEY on women who are catty just b/c I was very pretty then. The big fat one, Lydia, even told the profesor that I had been eating at the Ben and Jerry’s when she knew I was LACTOSE INTOLERENT.
It just goes to show you that you get mistreated alot when you are the onley one who is pretty and the others are not. I did NOT even care that they were gross until they started ganging up on me. FOOEY on them. Now I am very sucessful, tho not as gorgeous as I was 12 year’s ago, but still can turn a few heads. Yay! I am off now to go home. Dad is goeing to show me how he did my taxes (on Turbotax) and mom is bakeing one of my favorite’s! Apple pie! YAY!!!!!

I read this blog a couple times a week. Ellen, I have to ask why you mention money and your income tax, what your dad is doing with your money in every post when sometimes it isn’t relevant to the topic.
  • Leslie Knope :
    She’s a fake poster with a whole array of fake friends and family. Don’t worry about it.
  • We love Ellen, no matter how off topic she gets! Go if you want the full story. Yay!


  1. I do not think Ellen was self aggrandizing her whiteness over the others, only that she was bullied because she was pretty while the others were not. Ellen is not prejudiced. Clueless maybe but not prejudiced.

    1. She was in a nayborhood in Washington, DC in which all the women's hair was brown and curly. She was the only pretty one because she's blonde and blue-eyed. I'm not calling her prejudiced, I'm (once again) calling her an incisive satirist of some of the venues she inhabits.
