Use of the term "test drive" further corroborates my working theory that certain (all?) ELLENWatch commenters of questionable provenance are in fact Ellen. I don't know whether to be proud or humiliated...though you'd think that after over a year at the helm of this blog I'd have mastered the unique combination of both feelings.
I agree with KPadi. While the manageing partner never praise’s my work output PER SE, he alway’s is very complementeary of my billeing OUTPUT, which to me is the same thing, b/c if I did NOT churn out the breif’s and do the work and go to court and settel case’s, I would not be abel to BILL all of my CLEINT’s for it! So to me it is ultamately the SAME thing! YAY!!!!
Myrna is bringing a guy over to me after work today –Sam — who she works with. Sam is a SVP, 30 year’s old and want’s children right away. She says he is NICE, but I will NOT do anything sexueal with him without a ring, at least an engageament ring, so if he is looking for a test drive, its NO. First the ring I told MYRNA. NO RING, no Test. FOOEY on men like Alan who all he did was test drive. No more of that. NO WAY. Am I right or what? FOOEY!