You just need to budget! Don’t eat out a lot and you will also become SVELTE dad say’s! Yay!
I love open threads b/c everything is OPEN!
This Brit guy Sam is no catch. He kept talking about his new TEMPER PEDIC matteress like he is the onley guy who sleep’s at nite! He said 2 peeople can sleep w/o knoweing the other is in bed. I said FOOEY! And he said he would pay me €500 if he was wrong.
Before you know it he told me I had to sleep over to win the bet so I figured out this was a cheep trick for him to see me in pajamas so I agreed to test the bed out. He got all excited AND agreed until I told him I would onley test it with Myrna or Grandma Leyeh if he was in the other room.
This Sam was not thrilled but will still let the bet go on. Myrna will do it as a pajama party but SAM cannot have any male freind over and he cannot look at our boobies! DOUBEL FOOEY on him for trying to fool me! I have heard that type of cheep line before. Some doosh at the Hillel House in DC said he wanted to date me, but ONLEY if I would do the horizonntel Hora with him, and he had a singel dorm bed. I told him he was GROSS!! Triple FOOEY on that DOOSH!