Dad is busy, however, likely staring at his laptop screen actually tracing Ellen's movements on this prescribed walk, makeing sure she doesn't cheat by hopping into a car with some ooogler cruising by. Maybe Ellen could attach the fitbit to a dog or something, and encourage it to go long playing fetch?
This is TERRIBLE, but you are takeing it like a trooper. HUG’S!
Rosa had the baby Saturday! Yay! They had to induce her (Tina Leigh) so she does NOT share my b-day. Oh well, she will ALWAYS be a day younger then me! Fooey!
Tina is so cute, but not so tiny–she wieghes 7 pounds 13 ounce’s! I wonder if she will turn out to be as svelte as Rosa! Probabeley, b/c Rosa is still so pretty, even now that she is OVER the baby!
I am stayeing at the house with MOM and DAD. Dad is makeing me go out for a 3 mile walk this morning b/c he is concerned that the matza I have been eateing has gone to my tuchus. I think, as usueal he is right.
So I am off for a walk, which he is also monitoring on his MacBook PRO. I have troubel figureing a way around him. It is dificult when your dad is a MENSA eligibel dad.
If ONLEY I had a regular dad, or a dumb dad, I could put one by on him, but not Daddy Barshevsky! Even Grandma Leyeh is here, and she also said my tuchus is to big! FOOEY!